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Things You Should Know About Upper limb Lymphedema

May 16, 2024/

Upper limb lymphedema is a chronic medical disorder characterized by the expansion of lymphatic fluid in the arm, hand, or upper extremities. It commonly arises when the lymphatic system, liable for dehydrating extra fluid and maintaining the immune process, is unsatisfactory or harmed.  This situation…

Gall bladder Stones

May 16, 2024/

Gallstones are one of the most common diseases worldwide and India has a large burden of individuals harbouring gallstones.Gallstones form due to imbalance between bile, its components and cholesterol.37 – 86% of gallstones are cholesterol-rich. These are attributed to obesity, rapid weight loss, low calorie…

India will Reach Moon, will Orthopaedics Reach that Height?

May 16, 2024/

Dilip D Shah, Department of Orthopaedics, University of Bombay, India. It has been quite a historical event that India makes headway to the moon, similarly Orthopaedics has reached to that soaring height and is progressing by leaps and bounds. Traumatology: Anatomy specific implants are in…

What is Diabetic Foot?

May 16, 2024/

Diabetic foot is one of the most common and severe complications of diabetes, especially those who have poorly controlled sugar levels over an extended period.  The condition arises due to a combination of factors such as neuropathy (nerve damage) and peripheral arterial disease (reduced flow…

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